Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Fundamental Of Secretary

Fundamental of Secretary 

Secretary is an employee in an office who deals with coresspondence, keep record, maka arrangements and appointments for particular member of the staff.”-A.S. Hornby ( Oxford Advanced Dictionary)

Sekretaris berasal dari bahasa Inggris secret dan secretum dari bahasa Latin yang artinya rahasia. Berasal pula dari kata secretaries /secretarium yang berarti seseorang yang diberi kepercayaan memegang rahasia.

Beberapa defenisi sekretaris lainnya,
1. ”Secretary is an person employed to keep record, take care coresspondence and other writing task, etc, for organization or individual”. Webster New Dicitonary of American Language College.
2. “Person employed by another to assit him in coresspondence, literary work getting information and other confidential matters”. H.W.Flower & F.G. Flower
3. “Secretary is a personal office assitance to designed supervisor who has close and direct working relationship with supervisor. Ruth J.Anderson

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